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> Multi Export Tool
Derrick S
Beitrag 28 Jul 2009, 13:06
Beitrag #1

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

feine sache hier wer noch ältere sequenzer benutzt ohne Multiexport


MEAP (Multi Export Audio Pro)

About MEAP
A tool for automating the process of exporting (to audio) all individual MIDI instrument and Audio tracks from your musical project.

If you wanted to deliver all your parts (stems) to another studio for example:

Without MEAP you would have to sit and manually export each of your tracks, one at a time. This can take hours, even days!

MEAP will enable the process to be done unattended. It does not speed up the process of exporting tracks but simply eliminates the need for human interaction.

MEAP also adds some options that would be impossible to do without it. Track listing to a text file. Screen Shots. Automatic naming of output files. Various useful locator setting options. To name but a few.

MEAP is a Windows application.

MEAP works with all Steinberg V3 & V4 audio applications.


Click here to see the online User Manual.

MEAP Feature List

MEAP is not just a standard batch export but way more.

Here are just some of the features:

Export Locator Options:

  • All Project Range
  • Only the parts on each individual track
  • From the start of the project to the end of the parts on each track
  • From the first part on each track to the end of the project
  • Export each part separately on each track. Every part is exported and named separately
  • Export your project in sections as set by your Marker Track
  • Add a nose and tail to your locator settings for catching reverbs and intro sections
File Naming Options:

  • Use the project track name
  • Use your own default file name
  • Insert the location of each part into the file name using whatever format you have displayed on the transport
  • Use custom file naming where variables can be inserted
  • Use the audio application default naming (for markers)
Other Options:

  • Log all actions and exported files to a text file
  • Take a screen shot of the finished export
  • Automatically save new project before export
  • Shut Down your OS after export is done
These are just a few of MEAP's ever growing feature list.

Der Beitrag wurde von Derrick S bearbeitet: 28 Jul 2009, 13:11
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