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> Verlosung: 2 Mix Comp. im Rahmen des departure
Beitrag 21 Mar 2006, 22:28
Beitrag #1


Gruppe: tb te@m
Beiträge: 10.726
Mitglied seit: 26-June 02
Wohnort: Wien
Mitglieds-Nr.: 237

Im Rahmen des departure - the progressive experience am 24.03.2006 verlosen wir 2 CD´s

Teilnahmeschluß: 09.04.2006

Herzlichen Dank an Mental X und die departure crew

Hier gehts zur Verlosung

Cd 1

shake compilation vol.1 mixed by Dj Mental X

Thumbnail - klicken

Cd 2

Thumbnail - klicken

Side 1
1. Space Safari (Beckers) - "Burning"
2. Esdeto - "So Real" (feat Legolath - Greed vs Mercurio Vaseline Dub-Rub)
3. Yellow Blackboard - "Superfly" (Greed vs Mental X dub)
4. Tango - "Little Less Love"
5. Engelsport - "U Are" (dub)
6. Blackwatch & Greed - "Gentle Rain" (feat Lesley - Pain In The Ass Holy dub)
7. Snake Sedrick & Khans - "Remember"
8. Andre Absolut - "Digital Suspense"

Side 2
1. Alex Stealthy - "Once" (original Ambient)
2. Alex Stealthy - "Once" (as feat on Nick Warren's Global Underground Shanghai)
3. Alex Stealthy - "Once" (Liquid Soul's Whacked Out mix)
4. Alex Stealthy - "Once" (Sertac Kaya & Hakan Unsal's Turkish Coffee mix)
5. Alex Stealthy - "Once" (Mikrokosmos Sun Rising mix)
6. Alex Stealthy - "Once" (Delikate Imposter's Breaks mix)
7. Alex Stealthy - "Parts"

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