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Beitrag 2 Apr 2009, 19:32
Beitrag #21

Auf 185 gaaas mocht spaaas

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ich lod schon die neue gehört mir mir mir mir (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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Derrick S
Beitrag 2 Apr 2009, 19:44
Beitrag #22

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
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Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
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und somit auch die demo:

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Lux Aeterna
Beitrag 2 Apr 2009, 19:59
Beitrag #23


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Verbleibende LAdezeit: 4 Stunden ;-(

Wenigstens habe ich meiner Holden schon die Kreditkartennummer aus dem Kreuz geleiert ;-)
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Derrick S
Beitrag 15 Apr 2009, 11:51
Beitrag #24

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

ein bischen versteckt auf der ableton seite, um die neue Share Live Funktion betatesten zu können:

Share your Live Sets with others via the web and make beautiful music together. Live 8 introduces a simple and intelligent solution for online musical collaboration streamlining the sharing process with one-click sharing and loading, a simple system of setting access permission, speedy transfers and no issues with external plug-ins and instruments.

Key features
  • One click upload: select "Share Live Set" in the menu and Live automatically gathers and transmits the entire Live Set.
  • One click download: open shared Sets from the web with a single click.
  • Uploads and downloads happen in the background, so you can keep making music.
  • Manage your Live Sets online: You control who can access your Set. Keep access exclusive to your bandmates and producer, or go public and share your Set with the entire Live community.
  • Intelligent file transfer ignores duplicate files and recognizes changes in a Set. Live transmits only new or modified material, minimizing transfer times.
  • Avoid plug-in issues: Automatically freeze tracks that use plug-ins and virtual instruments, so people can still use your Set if they don't own all your plug-ins.
  • Collaborate even with non-Live users: Non-Live users get a time-limited version of Live for free if you share a Set with them.

Hi everybody,

Live 8 contains the new menu entry 'Share Live Set'. To use this function, you'll need to get your account configured for it - the following text will explain how. But beforehand, I would like to point you to some basic rules for using this feature. They should be obvious, really, but just in case, here they are. By registering for the private beta you accept these rules:


Be nice. Be tolerant. Be constructive.

When you're using this platform, remember that you're communicating with other people, even if you can't see them. And bear in mind that a lot of different cultures come together at Respect others, be tolerant.

Don't upload what doesn't belong to you

Don't upload anything that isn't yours to share. Uploading copyrighted material when you don't own the rights is copyright violation. This applies not only to samples, presets, Live Clips and Live Sets but also graphics, videos and text. If you notice a copyright infringement, please let us know about it immediately at: [email protected]

Your uploaded Live Sets are shared subject to license

Your uploaded Live Sets, as well as the material they contain, are subject to certain licenses. Soon, for every Live Set that you share, you'll be able to choose a suitable license type from a selection of Creative Commons licenses. For now, though, we're using a simplified licensing system. If you share your Live Set publically, this license applies: the Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0. If you share your Live Set privately, you retain all rights. It's up to you and the people you share with to agree on exactly what these rights are.

This is an early beta version: act accordingly

This is an early beta phase. It's work in progress, people, and we're not making any promises! We can't guarantee anything. In the worst case, something could go wrong and you can't download your Live Sets. Be sensible: always make backups of your work and don't save exclusively online.


Ok, now let's see what you need to do to participate on the private beta. Together with the sharing functionality, we're introducing public user profiles. To create your public profile your account needs a unique username. Actually, you already have a username - your forum username. Therefore, we're merging the accounts with the forum accounts in some weeks so you'll be able to use one account to login to the website, to upload / download Live Sets and access the forum. But as I said, this won't be happening for a few weeks. Until then, we will manually copy your forum username to your account. So:

You need to send me (Share Moderator) a private message. As a subject, you need to write your email address of your account, which can be found at

I will reply to your private message when your account is properly configured. This might take some days.

Kind regards and happy sharing, Bernd.

more infos:

Der Beitrag wurde von Derrick S bearbeitet: 15 Apr 2009, 11:52
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Derrick S
Beitrag 22 Apr 2009, 11:52
Beitrag #25

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

Ableton goes Cinema:


New film starring Ableton Live!

How many music software products can claim to be filmstars? As far as we know, only one: Ableton Live. A new film, "Berlin Calling", not only features some outrageously prominent onscreen footage but also stars renowned DJ and long-time Live user Paul Kalkbrenner in the leading role. A big thank you to Paul and the film's director, Hannes Stöhr, for giving us such wonderful publicity.

The plot goes something like this: Berlin electronic music composer Martin (Paul Kalkbrenner), known as DJ Ickarus, is touring with his manager and girlfriend Mathilde (Rita Lengyel) from club to club around the globe and is about to release his biggest album to date. All of his plans are thrown out of kilter, however, after Ickarus is submitted to a psychiatric clinic high on drugs after a gig.

Go and see the film to discover what happens next (hint: witness the therapeutic powers of Ableton Live!) "Berlin Calling" opens in Germany on October 2 and is expected to be released internationally soon afterwards.
More information here:

Der Beitrag wurde von Derrick S bearbeitet: 22 Apr 2009, 12:10
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Derrick S
Beitrag 19 Aug 2009, 09:31
Beitrag #26

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

Max4Live Preview->
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Beitrag 20 Aug 2009, 01:24
Beitrag #27

Auf 185 gaaas mocht spaaas

Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 4.206
Mitglied seit: 25-October 04
Wohnort: LINZ
Mitglieds-Nr.: 4.777


ähhh wer auf swing steht, sollt sich schnellst ableton checken, egal ob Ableton 7 oder 8 der natürliche midi swing is immer dabei...

wer auf straighte beats steht- die finger weg!!!!!!! Bitte wer mir nicht glaubt, hört einfach mal rein:

Bauchiger Kick Ton:
Kick von NI Battery - getriggert durch Korg

Klick Ton:
Korg, gesynct via Ableton

Synth Ton:
Nord Rack II angefeuert und gesynct via ableton.

Aufn Screenshot sieht man schön, das ich meine Firewiresoundkarte auf 2ms laufen hab... im Ableton hab ich ne gesammtlatenz von 9ms!
Pluginlatenz hab ich auf niedrigst gestellt.
Hab außerdm sämtliche unbrauchbaren Dienste deaktivert, und das system ist generell sauber, am PCI bus hängt nur ein gerät und das is der TI-firewirechipsatz (onboard)
Der Rest is PCI-E.... wo onboard graka usw zu finden sind... die HDD is ne SSD, und die hängt auf den einzig aktivierten Satacontroller.... interne soundkarte lan, parallel serielle, ide. usw usw... alles deaktivert....sicherheitscenter, systemwiederherstellugn induzierung....alles deaktivert... dcp latenztest sagt-"alles im unterern grünen -also sehr grünen bereich" 16bit farben 4Gig ram 3Ghz Quadcorepower...
... auch die Midiverkabelung, für den SYNC out für die Geräte hab ich ein eigenes midiinterface benutzt! da laufen keine Midinoten oder Controller drüber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Das ganze probiert mit WIN7 64BIT WIN7 32BIT und XP 32BIT....WIN7 32Bit hatte die besten latenzen und am wenigsten jitter! Das Audio file is mit WIN7 32BIT!

Somit meine Schlussvolgerung Das is ableton 7&8 meine Damen und Herren... ob das nun für cubase oder andere sachen zutrifft kann ich nit sagen.
Und wenns ableton net is, dann gibts nur noch eins:
Midi Serielle schnittstelle da ruf ich morgen an obs vista treiber gibt, und welche latenzen ich zu erwarten habe!
Angehängte Datei(en)
Angehängte Datei  Asyncron.jpg ( 706.62KB ) Anzahl der Downloads: 20
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Beitrag 20 Aug 2009, 12:33
Beitrag #28


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Mitglied seit: 27-January 04
Wohnort: Wien
Mitglieds-Nr.: 3.012

QUOTE(Phatline @ 20 Aug 2009, 02:24 ) *
wer auf straighte beats steht- die finger weg!!!!!!! Bitte wer mir nicht glaubt, hört einfach mal rein:

Hör die besser nie ein Konzert eines Orchesters an. Die sind alle aber auch so was aus dem Takt. Keiner von denen kann zwei Viertelnoten genau gleich lang spielen und schon gar nicht alle gleichzeitig zur selben Zeit.
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Beitrag 20 Aug 2009, 14:12
Beitrag #29

Auf 185 gaaas mocht spaaas

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Beiträge: 4.206
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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/crazy.gif) zum einem hab ich gleich in der ersten Zeile geschrieben: "wer auf swing steht....." wer lesen kann is klar im vorteil...

zum anderen geht es hier nicht um orchester, sonder um techno - dessen natur wie der name und die geschicht schon sagt:
bedingungslose syncronität, einhämmernde beats, die gefälligste parrieren sollen,
ich bin der Mensch und ich verlange von der Maschine 100% ige Genaugikeit! Und wenn ich ungenauigkeit Vordere dann soll sie ungenau sein, aber nur dann!

Ein "orchester" wie du es sagst, macht keinen Techno, würde sies probieren würd die härte und geforderte Syncronität ein qualitatives Techno "konzert" und dessen Auswirkungen auf Körper ung Geist verhindern.

Der Beitrag wurde von Phatline bearbeitet: 20 Aug 2009, 14:19
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Beitrag 20 Aug 2009, 14:29
Beitrag #30


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ZITAT(Phatline @ 20 Aug 2009, 15:12 ) *
bedingungslose syncronität, einhämmernde beats, die gefälligste parrieren sollen,

........und parrieren sie nicht, dann müssen wir parrieren? Schlechte Idee (IMG:style_emoticons/default/hah.gif)
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Beitrag 21 Aug 2009, 12:11
Beitrag #31

Auf 185 gaaas mocht spaaas

Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 4.206
Mitglied seit: 25-October 04
Wohnort: LINZ
Mitglieds-Nr.: 4.777

tjo wegen dem RS232 Midiinterface:
nach mehr als 25 erfolgreichen Jahren haben wir unsere Geschäftstätigkeit
bereits am 31. 12. 2008 beendet; unsere Produkte sind nicht mehr erhältlich.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Frauke Eichmeier-Wieschiolek
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Lux Aeterna
Beitrag 21 Aug 2009, 12:28
Beitrag #32


Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 4.734
Mitglied seit: 7-June 03
Wohnort: im zarten Rosa
Mitglieds-Nr.: 1.795

Meinst nit, dass Du di da a bissi reinsteigerst?

p.s. Endgame habe ich mal durch, bin gespannt auf die anderen Dinge aus deiner Signatur....
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Beitrag 21 Aug 2009, 12:57
Beitrag #33

Auf 185 gaaas mocht spaaas

Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 4.206
Mitglied seit: 25-October 04
Wohnort: LINZ
Mitglieds-Nr.: 4.777

hörst die a-syncronität nit? -sonst schau dir das mp3 auf einem waveediter an---- den jitter sieht man - und man hört in auch, auch wenns nur im einstelligen millisekunden bereich ist---grund - man hört immer das was aus erstes startet, wenn jetzt 3 instrumente übereinander liegen dann hört man jetzt eindeutig (ich zumindest) ob die Kick der Bass oder der Klick kommt, und wenn das jetzt variiert - ensteht in meinem Kopf ein nicht einheitliches Bild ---aber genau das such ich ja im Techno - straight- beinhart - man muss sich drauf verlassen können, das aus nächstes einfach eine kick und kein klick kommt (IMG:style_emoticons/default/satisfied.gif)

ja ich weis schon "man" hört veränderungen erst ihrgendwo bei 40ms oder keine ahnung wo... aber wenn ne 3 klanglich unterschiedliche klicks über einander liegen- dann ist es ein sound, sind die klicks jetzt zeitlich verschoben- ist das nicht mehr ein sound- was egal wäre, wenn nicht der Midijitter diese Abstände und Reihenfolgen der klicks ständig verändern würde - noch mal zur verdeutlichung:

Hör ich:

natürlich könnte das jetzt ein anderes Gehirn einfach als Klangfarbliche änderung hinnehmen, und eventuell ignorieren, mir als Musiker fällt es schwer dies zu ignorieren, -natürlich schließlich bin ich musiker und dank selbst studium hört man das (IMG:style_emoticons/default/satisfied.gif)
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Derrick S
Beitrag 30 Dec 2009, 08:42
Beitrag #34

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

Ableton has followed up on yesterday’s announcement that it was refocusing its development on bug fixes with the release of Live 8.1.1, an update that addresses over 40 bugs. Here’s what’s fixed in 8.1.1:

  1. A very short MIDI note at the beginning of a clip would not be audible. [6130]
  2. Recording via ‘Resampling’ would not properly compensate latency. [6124]
  3. Under certain conditions, it would be possible to get 2 Arranger tracks highlighted. [6144]
  4. Using the Launchpad as control surface and additionally for manual mappings would not always work properly.
  5. When installing Live Packs which have dependencies to other content, Live would show the corresponding message twice. [6153]
  6. Using a Rex file could crash Live. [6157]
  7. ‘lock control surface’ function would not properly work in user remote scripts. [6064]
  8. A particular Live set could not be loaded and would lead to a ‘Invalid Product ID Error’ message. [6165]
  9. In the Arranger, punch In/Out would delay notes by the ‘punch in time’ in beats. [6167]
  10. Using the pads of the Akai MPD18 would not work properly.
  11. Having a Live set with particular Drum Racks could increase the CPU usage of the main thread, which would result in very slow graphical updates. [6181]
  12. Installing a new Library from within a second running instance of Live could crash Live. [6171]
  13. Certain operations like sample crop/reverse/replace would remove the tempo envelope. [6179]
  14. Using Novation’s Launchpad, when switching between Automap and Live control would not work properly.
  15. Under certain conditions, editing or creating parameter automation would not work properly. [6188]
  16. Playing a 32-bit audio file immediately after a 16-bit audio file could cause a click in the audio. [6152]
  17. Moving the last track out of a track group onto a closed group track in the Arranger could crash Live. [6193]
  18. In the Auto Pan device, switching shape to random would not show the ‘Width’ knob. [6192]
  19. Loading a Max device would crash if Pluggo was already active.
  20. It would not be possible to create a new Project in the File Browser if the root is set to ‘Workspace’.
  21. Fine tuning of macro knobs would not work via key modifier. [6180]
  22. Starting clips via the Launchpad while changing parameters via mouse could crash Live. [6143]
  23. Moving the mouse over a certain Sampler preset could crash Live. [6207]
  24. Loading a Live set containing not yet authorized add-ons could crash Live. [6203]
  25. Under certain conditions, fade creation would not work properly. [6195]
  26. An Ableton preset of a third party plug-in would not change the On/Off mapping range. [5652]
  27. Receiving an invalid parameter index from Max could crash Live.
  28. Inverting a macro mapping range would not work properly. [6238]
  29. Under certain conditions, extracting an existing groove from a clip would crash Live. [6235]
  30. Having a Max device sending many blob changes during saving could crash Live.
  31. A malformed database file would interrupt user interactions like renaming files, saving presets, recording, etc. [6230]
  32. Having a particular Live set loaded and searching for media files could crash Live. [6241]
  33. On Mac OS X, under certain conditions, making Live the foreground window could lead to a crash.
  34. The context menu of a frozen clip would have enabled audio fades commands. [6253]
  35. In the Arranger, changing the mixer properties like volume, pan etc. would not show the changed value in the status bar. [3238]
  36. Having a multi selection of Arranger track and use the ‘Show Automation’ command would destroy the selection. [6243]
  37. Choosing a custom VST directory within the preferences would not keep this new directory until the next start of Live if the required rescan leads to a crash. [6190]
  38. On Mac OS X, duplicating a track with Fab Filter Twin 1+2 could crash Live. [6063]
  39. The Looper display would use the wrong colour in ‘play’ mode. [6234]
  40. Holding SHIFT + Space Bar would make the transport play button flicker. [6227]
  41. The area to click on an Arranger clip would be too small by a few pixels. [6261]
  42. Particular Live sets, especially with a lot of transient data, could not be loaded. [6263]
  43. Pasting 3 unstretched and crossfaded Arranger clips could crash Live [6289]
Ableton also documented the changes made in Live 8.1:


  • Updated manuals
  • Updated Help Pages
  • MaxForLive support
  • Filter Delay offers 3 options for smoothing time transitions now.
  • Closed group tracks material (Session view slots or Arrangement “overview”) is now used for clipboard operations, such as copy/paste, duplicate or delete.
  • New Midi-Notes created by clicking always have the length of the current grid even if the grid is off.
  • Consolidate respects empty clip names. Formerly, the consolidated clip would take its name from the first clip in the selected region, or the track’s name if the clip name would be empty. Now, the consolidated clip takes the first clip’s name, regardless whether it is empty.
  • ‘Crop Clip’ is now available in the context menu of the MIDI clip detail view.
  • Double clicking on the Clip Panel header, in the detail view, shows that clip in Session, or Arranger.
Bug fixes in Live 8.1;

  1. The highest MIDI notes can now be played with the computer keyboard. Previously, the higher half octave was not accessible.
  2. Compressor: Monitoring the compressor sidechain would only work when there was a signal at the compressor’s main input. [3977]
  3. Canceling a content package installation could crash Live. [5151]
  4. Deleting all warp markers would not always work properly. [5519]
  5. Doing a time selection via computer keyboard in the clip envelope editor would not show the right info in the status bar.
  6. Dropping a file on a missing file references in the file manager would not work properly.
  7. An envelope for Transpose of a playing clip could affecting another unwarped successively triggered clip.
  8. In some case, the Fade context menu commands would be missing. [5702]
  9. In the file browser, renaming a file would not always work properly. [5798]
  10. The slot selection would not be updated properly when dragging a clip in the Session.
  11. Live could truncates notes in certain MIDI clips when only the velocity would be changed. [5754]
  12. In a particular Live set, audio fades would not work properly with certain clips having envelopes. [5833]
  13. Dragging an arranger clip within the arranger could delete its envelopes. [5825]
  14. Under certain conditions Live would crash when moving clips and having no groove in the groove pool.
  15. Under certain conditions, copy and paste of automations for multiple lanes would not work. [5644]
  16. Under certain conditions, a folded group track would not display the overview for contained clips.
  17. Unsupported multi channel audio files would crash Live. [5995]
  18. When exporting a video file, the resulting video file would grow on each export instead to be replaced. [5996]
  19. On Mac OS X, alias folders in the in the Open/Save dialog would be greyed out. [5998]
  20. Under certain conditions, it was possible to hear 2 session clips from one track at the same time. [6000]
  21. Under certain conditions, copy and paste of Arranger clips would not work properly. [6001]
  22. Operator: LFO knobs would not indicate an existing clip envelope. [6062]
  23. Editing clips could lead to crackles in the audio.
  24. Files on a SMB based network volume could not be renamed within the browser. [6033]
  25. The Spectrum device would not show a spectrum for very short signals. [5940]
  26. Under certain conditions, pasting in the arranger could crash Live.
  27. Freeze would not work properly on tracks with removed ’stop’ buttons. [6070]
  28. Undo the creating of a breakpoint for Sampler’s filter On/Off switch could crash Live. [6083]
  29. Using a particular audio file with the Complex Pro warp mode would crash Live. [6032]
  30. Splitting clips in arranger could lead to wrong playing.
  31. When double-clicking a session clip while the clip is not visible, it was possible to accidentally move the clip to a different slot. [5974]
  32. Editing pseudo-warp markers on long audio files could let the waveform display disappear.
  33. Start playing a particular arranger clip from certain position would not actually play the clip. [6129]
  34. Dropping a clip onto playing clip would not send the required feedback for control surfaces. [5859]
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Beitrag 17 Feb 2010, 11:34
Beitrag #35


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Mitglied seit: 4-February 10
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ich benutze live jetzt seit version 5 und ich muss sagen der schritt zwischen version7 und version8
ist echt gewaltig. Schon alleine die Möglichkeit jetzt so gut wie jedes Instrument zu automatisieren.
Viele Lücken sind gestopft worden. Und auch die Sound Engine klingt meiner Meinung nach besser.
Mit der Version hat sich Live auch endlich konkurrenzfähig gemacht zu Programmen wie Cubase.
Ich werde jetzt auf jeden Fall noch ein Weile bei dem Programm bleiben.
Bin sehr gespannt was die nächste Version so bringt.
Irgendwann werde ich dann aber wohl zwangsweise auf Logic umsteigen müssen
da der typische Abletonsound doch irgendwann auffällt.
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Beitrag 17 Feb 2010, 12:37
Beitrag #36

Flex Schallplatten

Gruppe: tb-Support
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Mitglied seit: 4-November 02
Wohnort: Wien
Mitglieds-Nr.: 479

Logic und Ableton im Rewire macht Spaß! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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