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> iPhone/iPod Touch Music Apps, Mobile Producing
Derrick S
Beitrag 7 May 2009, 09:10
Beitrag #41

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

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Derrick S
Beitrag 7 May 2009, 09:36
Beitrag #42

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

sehr gespannt bin ich auf die geplante Midi Intregration für Noise.IO

We've come down to an agreement with Nonnus of Silicon Studios / iTouchMidi, the author of excellent iTM apps.

This means that soon, will get Midi-over-Wi-fi functionality! will be able to connect to time-proven, stable iTouchMidi server desktop programs (available for free, Mac & PC, any DAW).
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Derrick S
Beitrag 7 May 2009, 18:18
Beitrag #43

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
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Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
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so....nun hier die in Beatmaker ein bischen polierte und erweiterte version :-)

der bass wurde mit dem Pitch (sehr geile funktion) ein bischen verändert und per equing die tiefen frequenzen und mittlereren frequenzen angehoben, etwas bitcrush drauf, auf der synth auch etwas bitcrusher und reverb (1/4) und frequenzen angepasst
Angehängte Datei(en)
Angehängte Datei  DerrickS_TheLoveParade_Beatmaker.mp3 ( 3.05MB ) Anzahl der Downloads: 9
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Derrick S
Beitrag 9 May 2009, 23:23
Beitrag #44

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
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Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
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4 Spur Recordingapp

4-Spur im Taschenformat: Aufnahme für iPhone oder iPod Touch

Als moderne Alternative für das alte Tascam-Casetten-4 Spur Studio eignet sich dieses Audioprogramm für 4-Spur Aufnahme für iPhone oder iPod Touch im Taschenformat besonders für Sänger, Gitarristen, Pianisten und allen anderen kreativen Musikern zum festhalten der Einfälle.

Begrenzt durch die Qualität des iPhone bzw. ipod touch Mikrofons ist natürlich keine hochqualitative Aufnahme möglich (auch wenn der Hersteller mit 16bit, 44.1kHz Aufnahme wirbt). Die fehlende Tonqualität versucht Sonoma Wire Works FourTrack jedoch mit einer grossen Featureliste wett zu machen:

  • 4 Spur Aufnahme für iPhone oder iPod Touch
  • Kalibrierte Dynamikanzeige
  • Clipping Indikator
  • Pan-Regler pro Kanal
  • Fader pro Kanal
  • Shuttle-Rad zum navigieren in der Aufnahme
  • Latezkompensierung (akkurat bis zu 1ms)
  • Kompressor - Limiter
  • Track bouncing
  • Metronom
  • WiFi Synchronisation mit dem Desktop

Der Beitrag wurde von Derrick S bearbeitet: 22 Jun 2009, 13:52
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Derrick S
Beitrag 15 May 2009, 09:08
Beitrag #45

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

nun ist auch Touchsensitives spielen auf iphone/ipod touch möglich, wäre geil wenn die funktion bei beatmaker hinzukommt für die pads

We bet you didn't know your phone could do this...

Preview the next app from the creators of iSteam!

This one is no magic trick however: using our new TapForce™ technology, the iPhone can now sense how hard you tap!

Unleashing the TapForce™ potential, starting with Zen Piano. Available in all AppStores worldwide.

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Derrick S
Beitrag 18 May 2009, 12:32
Beitrag #46

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

schönes Update zu iSyn (IMG:style_emoticons/default/alien.gif) via Appstore:

-Audio/Midi Live Recording
-Download recorded Sessions with Wifi
-Quick Help
-Reduced Glow on Interface for better Reading

-Autoclock Disabled
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Derrick S
Beitrag 26 May 2009, 06:22
Beitrag #47

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

na wer sagts denn:

Novation Automap, Ableton Live Clip Control, Coming to the iPhone

By Peter Kirn

Novation's Automap is coming to the iPhone - meaning a handheld device can provide interactive visual and textual feedback about what you're manipulating in, say, an Ableton Live set.

Our friends at Hispasonic (Spanish-language) bring us the news. (Thanks, Xavier!) Photo credit: the new blog SaM's burrow:

Novation Automap for iPhone in beta stage (first screen captures)

That gives you a closer look. I'm not even going to try to wonder what happened to Novation's NDA. (We seem to be getting mostly "D.") But, Novation, if you're out there, trust me - buzz already suggests this is a good leak for you.

On the Ableton forums, some naysayers wonder why you'd want to run a Live set from an iPhone. The answer is, naturally, you wouldn't - I think they're missing the point. There are two larger issues here. One is, having a handheld device means there's just another intelligent way to control your music set. It might be something you prop atop your keyboard or drum pad controller as a small dashboard, or that you carry with you so you can hear the sound in a venue during sound check. The other message is, interactive control with actual labels on parameters is the future for a lot of devices, not just the iPhone. That's in stark contrast to the primitive way in which MIDI refers to everything in terms of (typically) meaningless numbers.

In fact, there are some promising other attempts to more easily see and manipulate clips away from your laptop screen, on devices like the Lemur. Thanks to the Live API (on which Max for Live's control of Live is also based), it's possible to finally get a full, controllable view of your clips. My only criticism would be that we still lack a single, open standard for this stuff. If Ableton Live supported OpenSoundControl (OSC) natively, it'd open all sorts of applications - without the hacking currently required. But that's a topic for another day, and not just directed at Ableton.

Here's the full text of this announcement from the Ableton forums. Stay tuned; hopefully we'll hear official news soon.

Der Beitrag wurde von Derrick S bearbeitet: 26 May 2009, 06:23
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Derrick S
Beitrag 2 Jun 2009, 16:54
Beitrag #48

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

jetzt auch offiziell im Appstore: wird nat. umgehend getestet

Free Cubase Control from iPhone; iTouchMIDI MCU for Everything Else

Steinberg announced today that their Cubase iC controller app for iPhone and iPod touch is now available. If you're a Cubase 5 user, this app gives you loads of control over your set wirelessly. It looks great, even if you have an existing controller – it's just like having an extra, more pocket-able remote control. Control features:
  • Position: Check out the clever position displays and feedback
  • Transport: You can jump to markers, toggle the metronome and precount and cycle, and punch in recording.
  • Arranger: Turn arranger on and off, play, and jump within an arrangement. You even get interactive buttons with labels for arrangement points, as pictured below.
Cubase iC - Remote Control Application for iPhone and iPod touch
Cubase iC transforms your iPhone and your iPod touch into a powerful remote control for Cubase 5 and Cubase Studio 5. Whether you are using Cubase in the studio or on stage, Cubase iC gives you fast and precise control of essential functions from anywhere within your Wi-Fi network's range. Cubase iC gives you access to basic transport functions, allows you to monitor playback position and control the unique Arranger Track.

Application possibilities of Cubase iC
  • Recording
    Cubase iC is of great assistance to musicians recording in a rehearsal room or home studio. With it, basic functions for recording different takes and parts are controlled via your iPhone or iPod Touch without using your computer each time.
  • Producing
    Producers can access the essential transport functions from all over the studio. This comes in handy when recording and mixing and during listening sessions with musicians and clients.
  • Performing
    Cubase iC controls the Arranger Track, making it also an ultra-cool live tool. Now you can start and stop the different sections of the song while playing live.

Cubase iC supports the following Cubase functions:

Transport Tab:
  • Dual Position Displays
  • Jog Band and Project Time Position Slider
  • Go to zero
  • Go to previous marker
  • Rewind
  • Play/Stop
  • Forward
  • Go to next marker
  • Record (Punch In/Out)
  • Arranger On/Off
  • Metronome Click On/Off
  • Precount On/Off
  • Cycle On/Off
Arranger Tab:
  • Arranger On/Off
  • Play
  • Jump

Der Beitrag wurde von Derrick S bearbeitet: 2 Jun 2009, 16:57
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Derrick S
Beitrag 21 Jun 2009, 15:26
Beitrag #49

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

TouchOSC Controller with Template Editing Coming Soon to iPhone, iPod touch
By Peter Kirn Related: alternative-controllers, controllers, iphone, ipod-touch, java, Mac, mobile, multi-touch, opensound, OpenSoundControl, OSC, SuperCollider, touch, touchosc, Windows & more (IMG:

The beauty of using touch for controllers is flexibility. Sure, you give up tactile feedback – but you can also quickly make your own layouts, make touch controllers an ideal complement to your existing hardware gear (the stuff with physical knobs and faders and pads).

For that reason, we’re all eagerly anticipating an upcoming version of the awesome OSC-based iPhone/iPod touch controller, TouchOSC.

The included layouts are already fantastic, with rotaries and virtual buttons and multi-faders and toggles and X/Y pads. But custom control would be even better. Creator hexler writes CDM with the latest:

The long-awaited update to TouchOSC that will allow for custom layouts has just been submitted for review to Apple,
so I hope that as soon as next week it will be available as a free update to all users on the App Store.

Together with this release (1.3) there will be a free editor application to visually design and upload layouts to the device. You can take a look at the last beta version I published if you want, there’s both Windows and OS X versions available, but I will also prepare a Linux version as soon as possible, of course without the new version of TouchOSC this is but a preview of things to come:

And nicely enough, the editor is built in cross-platform Java, which I think makes a whole lot of sense. (Go Java, Python, etc., rather than getting stuck in hard-to-port platform-specific stuff like Cocoa.)

Thanks, hexler! I don’t have a video of the new features yet, so instead here’s a nice novelty – the beginnings of a creation using the free SuperCollider (which runs OSC natively) in combination with TouchOSC to make a custom step sequencer. Should fuel other ideas, too:

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Derrick S
Beitrag 22 Jun 2009, 13:48
Beitrag #50

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

jetzt auch offiziell:

Novation stellt Automap für iPhone und iPod touch vor (22/06/2009)
(IMG: Als Novation 2005 die Automap Software herausbrachte, veränderte das die Art der Steuerung von DAWs und Plug-ins fundamental. Nach der Markteinführung von Automap 3 Pro, das mit zahlreichen neuen Features zu überzeugen weiß, steht nun eine weitere technische Revolution an: Automap für iPhone und iPod touch.

Wer immer künftig seine Musik bearbeiten möchte und keine Maus in Reichweite hat, greift nun einfach auf einen der smarten Wireless-Controller aus Cuppertino zurück, denn in Kürze ist Automap für beide Geräte im AppStore erhältlich. Kombiniert mit Novations Standard-Software Automap 3 oder aber mit Automap 3 Pro zeigz das Programm zwei horizontale Fader und acht Tasten pro Seite, die sich beliebig zuweisen lassen.

Mit an Bord sind noch weitere nützliche Features: Via QWERTY-Modus kann man nun auch Tastaturkürzel an den Sequenzer senden, um Funktionen umzuschalten oder Fenster und Menüs zu öffnen. Auch das Bearbeiten von Maps wird deutlich erleichtert, denn künftig werden Parameter ganz einfach von einem Controller zum anderen gezogen. (AW) Webverweise:



The App will be available at the iTune store beginning July 09.

Key features

Now you can turn your iPhone / iPod touch into a MIDI controller, with multiple faders and buttons easily assigned to parameters in any software that allows MIDI control, and even some that don't!

Instant, wireless, palm-sized control of all automatable VST, AU or Pro Tools format plug-ins in any DAW.

See at a glance how every control on your iPhone / iPod touch is assigned, both on the iPhone / iPod touch itself, and across your computer screen

Make and delete assignments directly from your computer screen using lightening-fast 'Click-Touch-Assign' facilities.

Ideal for remote track arming and muting, transport and master level controls in a growing number of supported DAWs. (Control these elements in non-supported DAWs using separate dedicated Automap systems, or your own custom mappings.)

Get to the right software fast! Control maps are automatically placed into categories depending on type (instrument, mixer etc.) for quick and easy browsing and selection with hardware or software.

Der Beitrag wurde von Derrick S bearbeitet: 22 Jun 2009, 13:50
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Derrick S
Beitrag 30 Jun 2009, 14:47
Beitrag #51

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

hier auch ein Video zu Automap für Iphone:

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Derrick S
Beitrag 2 Jul 2009, 10:25
Beitrag #52

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

da bin ich mal gespannt drauf wie brauchbar das wird


Trance pioneer Brian "BT" Transeau has launched an iPhone app in support of his new album "The Rose of Jericho." Created by BT's software company Sonik Architects, the Sonifi app allows users to remix songs and video using the Apple device, adding beats, melodies, and even BT's "stutter edit" technique by simply shaking the phone. It also lets users connect two iPhones via the Bluetooth connection and remix as a team. Look for an in-depth interview with BT on this new app in the coming days.

BT On His New iPhone App, Sonifi

(IMG: Billboard interviewed progressive trance and soundtrack composer BT recently. In the interview, he talks about why he created a new iPhone app, Sonifi:

Why do the app?

My background is classical music and programming. I used to tutor my father's students in computers and programming. I used to experiment with building music applications as a teenager as I was falling in love with electronic music, using a bunch of the modalities I learned in the classical area. So it's been something I've been interested in for 20-plus years. I'm a Mac head, and I've been endorsed by Apple for years and I love the iPhone. This is a crazy freaking device. You have something that has a multi-point touch surface, accelerometers, so I though why not make something for this.

What were you hoping to accomplish?

For literally 10 years, I've been saying to people [that] we need to make a standardized remix file format. Artists cross genres all over the place, have their work remixed all the time — and it's a pain in the ass. For people in the electronic music community, there's all these crazy deliverable requirements. Why not just four tracks? Give me the beats, give me the bass, give me the vocals and give me the guitars… that's all I need and I can do anything that needs to be done.

Why focus on the remix element for the app? Why lead with that?

Well this idea of standardizing the deliverables for a remix so that anyone can do it. Did you know one of the most popularly torrented things are ProTools sessions? I'll admit I collect them. The record labels need to seriously wake the fuck up and see there's an inherent value in non two-track masters of songs. This is a proof of concept that proves that. Kids want to get their hands dirty with technology now. You have a different type of consumer… it's like a pro-sumer. He's a little bit interested in media, graphic arts, he's a videogamer, and he loves music and wants to do mashups. He wants to take Beyonce's voice and put it up against a Killers' track. That's the audience this is targeted to support, and I'm a part of it. I made this as much for me as I did for everybody else. The big punchline is that this is a proof of concept that there's an inherent value in the end user being able to experiment and play around with music in a meaningful way that's fun and easy but incorporates some really heave stuff under the hood in terms of technology.

Why apply this first on a mobile phone, rather than a computer?

Because everybody has a phone. People take public transportation, or they're at Starbucks waiting for coffee. If I'm just noodling, I don't want to surf the Web or play Tetris — I want to do something fun that I can use later. This is a perfect platform because it's a computer that's sitting in someone's pocket. The possibilities of this excite me immensely. We're going to release other artists' material and my back catalog in this thing, as a Sonifi media pack where you'll have the song as a 4×4 matrix of mixes, the visual assets specific to each artist, and then stutter gestures and fills, and an artist's links page.

So you're going to offer more versions of the app for other artists?

Sonifi is going to be the portable remix engine where you can directly buy content from a plethora of different artists, not just me or dance music. It's a completely different and interactive way to enjoy music. I can't say too much about it, but it's going to take people's heads off. This is going somewhere really specific and very cool. We're already in talks with several media partners who control a lot of content about using their artists' work in this application. It's a really special thing.

BT goes on to talk about other iPhone apps that he likes, including Brian Eno's Bloom.


Der Beitrag wurde von Derrick S bearbeitet: 2 Jul 2009, 10:39
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Derrick S
Beitrag 6 Jul 2009, 08:58
Beitrag #53

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

ZITAT Pro v. 1.4 which brings back sound in OS3.0 is now available from the AppStore as a free update. You can download it now.

+OS 3.0 Compatibilty
+Soon big Update!

auch was neues von den machern:

Revolutionary hexagonal sequencer for the iPhone. Capable of producing constantly changing, insanely addictive rhythms and melodies. Soon on the AppStore.

Der Beitrag wurde von Derrick S bearbeitet: 6 Jul 2009, 09:04
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Beitrag 6 Jul 2009, 09:09
Beitrag #54

Tyrolean Dynamite

Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 4.031
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Wohnort: Hall in Tirol
Mitglieds-Nr.: 2.261

kann man das neue Iphone 3G S schon entsperren ?

und wenn nicht - wie bekommt man programme da drauf ??

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Derrick S
Beitrag 6 Jul 2009, 09:14
Beitrag #55

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

programme über den integrierten appstore oder über itunes
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Beitrag 6 Jul 2009, 09:20
Beitrag #56

Tyrolean Dynamite

Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 4.031
Mitglied seit: 9-September 03
Wohnort: Hall in Tirol
Mitglieds-Nr.: 2.261

kann man da alle gratis programme draufladen ?

für was gibts denn dann den installer oder für was dann überhaupt jailbreaken ?

bitte um aufklärung - bin da bissi noob ..

und überhaupt was ist wenn das ding mal hängen bleibt ??

leider kann man ja nicht einfach den akku raustun wie bei einem nokia zbsp ...
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Derrick S
Beitrag 6 Jul 2009, 09:40
Beitrag #57

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

im appstore findest du auch gratis programme, demo versionen

jailbreak wird hauptsächlich dafür genutzt um auf iphone/ipod touch illegale vollversionen zu installieren bzw. um funktionen des Betriebssystems zu ändern

so viel ich weis ist momentan os3 noch nicht jailbreakbar, würde mir das aber auch gut überlegen, wenns schief geht kann unter umständen dein gerät nicht mehr starten

und die paar € für die wirklich guten apps/games kann man sich auch noch leisten und die software hersteller damit unterstützen
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Beitrag 6 Jul 2009, 09:55
Beitrag #58

Tyrolean Dynamite

Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 4.031
Mitglied seit: 9-September 03
Wohnort: Hall in Tirol
Mitglieds-Nr.: 2.261

ja na eh auf alle fälle @ derrick

sag ja kenn mich da nicht so aus - bin nur durchn trick auf die seite apfelphone gestoßen und da steht halt alles bez. jailbreaken etc.

sogar auf steht das auch wegen dem installer . also kann das nicht soo illegal sein ?

und wenn ...

ich red ja eh von den gratis programmen

welche sind denn die besten fürs phone ?
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Derrick S
Beitrag 6 Jul 2009, 10:02
Beitrag #59

Reality Bites Rec (GER) Ocean Drive Rec (US) Receptive Rec (UK)

Gruppe: tb-Support
Beiträge: 6.126
Mitglied seit: 2-January 03
Wohnort: Wels, Oberösterreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 647

hast einen link zu der chip seite wegen installer?
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Beitrag 6 Jul 2009, 10:13
Beitrag #60


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Mitglieds-Nr.: 3.012

QUOTE(Derrick S @ 6 Jul 2009, 10:40 ) *
jailbreak wird hauptsächlich dafür genutzt um auf iphone/ipod touch illegale vollversionen zu installieren bzw. um funktionen des Betriebssystems zu ändern

Was vielleicht auch nicht ganz uninteressant ist sind die unzähligen für den AppStore abgelehnten Programme z.B. von NiN wegen dem Liedtext "fuck you like an animal". Oder ein Project Gutenberg E-Book Reader weil damit neben unzähligen anderen Büchern auch das Kamasutra runter geladen werden kann. Beide sind dann doch zugelassen worden, nachdem die Medien es aufgegriffen haben.

Mit Jailbreak hat man es komplett selbst in der Hand was aufs iPhone kommt.

QUOTE(Derrick S @ 6 Jul 2009, 10:40 ) *
so viel ich weis ist momentan os3 noch nicht jailbreakbar, würde mir das aber auch gut überlegen, wenns schief geht kann unter umständen dein gerät nicht mehr starten
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