31.10.2007 DOMINO @ VIPER ROOM, Viper Room, Wien |
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31.10.2007 DOMINO @ VIPER ROOM, Viper Room, Wien |
Datum des Ereignisses: 31. 10. 2007 23:00 (Einmaliges Ereignis) |
Domino @ Viper Room | |
LineUP |
Slack Hippy (Austria) Dogs Bollocks / FM4 Kontext do.not.feed / Rasselbande O-Ton do.not.feed Re:tied do.not.feed new blood |
Specials/Infos | |
Entry | 5€ (2€ Getränkebon) |
Styles | Nu Skool Breaks- und Electro-House |
Location |
Viper Room Landstraßer Hauptstraße 38 1030 Wien |
Distance | um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben |
Routenplaner | Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner |
Flyer | |
sonstiges |
DIE STEINE SIND GEFALLEN DOMINO FINEST SELECTION OF ELECTRONIC MUSIC 31.10.2007 HOSTED BY DONOTFEED.NET Den letzten Mittwoch jeden Monats hostet Do.Not.Feed, die das ohnehin schon interessante Domino-Spiel um ein Nu Skool Breaks- und ein Electro-House-Steinchen ergänzen. Die Residents Kontext, O-Ton und Re:tied setzen auf die Vermengung dieser beiden Stile und holen sich dazu versierte DJs an den Spieltisch, die die Diversität noch unterstreichen werden. Den Anfang macht Slack Hippy, der für seine wilden Style-Mischkulanzen auch außerhalb Österreichs bekannt ist. Als Hoster von Dogs Bollocks auf FM4 beweist Slack Hippy jeden Monat aufs neue seine Kompetenz in Sachen Selection und als Resident DJ im Donau stellt er seine technischen Fähigkeiten wöchentlich unter Beweis. Slack Hippy: "I have played all over Austria in the past 15 years and have built up a reputation as a technically fine skilled DJ with many musical surprises in my record box." Expect the unexpected... expect quality. Ein mehr als passendes Steinchen für das mittwöchliche Dominospiel. do.not.feed supports breaks.at ENTRY: 5€ (2€ GETRÄNKEBON) / STARTS AT 22:00 EACH AND EVERY WEDNESDAY VIPER ROOM myspace.com/play_domino donotfeed.net fm4.at myspace.com/donotfeedkontext myspace.com/rasselbanderadio |
Zurück | |
11 Sep 2007, 17:53
Member Gruppe: Members Beiträge: 217 Mitglied seit: 26-June 03 Wohnort: 1010 Wien Mitglieds-Nr.: 1.861 |
1990/91:Slack hippy was created,the man that became Slack Hippy was studying in an Art College in Cornwall and in his year out from the Uni met friends who together with Slack Hippy bought a sound system and proceeded to make sheep/police and neighbours nervous. Every weekend Illegal Raves and House Parties were organised, mostly by or on the nearby beaches. These continued through until the summer of 1991 and Slack Hippy experienced the art of DJing and party for the first time. He was always the last DJ to play, mainly because he was the only one capable of standing up at this time of the evening. But through this experience the DJ was born. The name was given to him by friends cos at this time he was incredibly lazy, slept a lot on sofas and had very, very long hair. In Autumn 1991 it was decide that we all go to Vienna to visit a friend and basically have a bloody good holiday. Slack Hippy arrived in Vienna in October 1991 with 2 records a bag of clothes and a small inheritance (erbe) which he proceeded to invest in records and all the necessary DJ equipment. Slack Hippy had his first DJ experience in Vienna in the winter of 91, playing at the legendary Space Jungle with Clemens Neufeld. This would be his only real gig for the first few months of 92 because in Vienna at that time there was very little going on. The weekly Space Jungle and the Monthly Ultimate Rave Experience were really the only places where house/techno were being played and the scene was very small, comprising mostly of Djs/Promoters and their friends. A gig at the Ultimate Rave experience in the Summer of 92 and a couple more gigs in the Space Jungle led to a Residency in the newly opened Roxy in the Autumnof 92. This club opened up the careers of many DJs and Slack Hippy played every tuesday there for the next 18months, playing a mixture of House/progressive and trancey techno sounds. Through the owner of the Roxy (Horst Scheur) SlackHippy established a connection to the first XXX crew comprising of 3 guys,1 being Horst (Roxy) and another being Jurgen Bauer who eventually took over the whole of XXX. Slack Hippy played at most of the early XXX raves the most popular ones being the Gasometer where he played quite a few times and the Oil Refinery. Space Jungle was still happening every week but the residents Clemens Neufeld and Artur had decided to stop playing there and the Space Jungle fell into the hands of one of Slack Hippys friends. From 1993 to 1995 Slack Hippy became resident at the Space Jungle together with 3 other DJs and his sound started to drift into the more techno side of things. Because of the Space Jungle Slack Hippy became more widely known to the Austrian Public. The music started to gain acceptance in Austria and the Space Jungle became the place to be for people wanting to learn about this new music. In 1995 FM4, Austrias alternative radio station started and in 1996 Slack Hippy joined the weekly house and techno show (La Boum Deuxe) as resident DJ, and this is where he is now after 5 years, still resident DJ but now with his own show once a month (Dogs Bollocks) which concentrates on Breakbeat music and of course La Boum Deluxe which concentrates more on House and Techno. As a DJ, Slack Hippy has many different musical sides and is capable of playing nearly all styles of ModernDance Music. Be it Funk, Soul, Groove, Hiphop, House, Techno, Jungle, Breaks,…Slack Hippy can play it out. |
27 Oct 2007, 09:10
Newbie Gruppe: Members Beiträge: 47 Mitglied seit: 10-September 06 Mitglieds-Nr.: 9.795 |
5 x 2 gästenliste für technoboard-user zu vergeben.
mail mit subject: technoboard an [email protected] (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) |
28 Oct 2007, 22:10
Member Gruppe: Members Beiträge: 217 Mitglied seit: 26-June 03 Wohnort: 1010 Wien Mitglieds-Nr.: 1.861 |
freu mich schon auf alle die vorbeischaun! nächster tag ist ein feiertag!
30 Oct 2007, 21:06
Newbie Gruppe: Members Beiträge: 37 Mitglied seit: 3-September 03 Wohnort: maniax.at Mitglieds-Nr.: 2.199 |
freu mich schon...wird sicher wieder ein feiner spaß!!! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/devil.gif)
31 Oct 2007, 14:41
Member Gruppe: Members Beiträge: 217 Mitglied seit: 26-June 03 Wohnort: 1010 Wien Mitglieds-Nr.: 1.861 |
wer einen do.not.feed kaugummi hat bekommt eine ermäsigung von uns hehe
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