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> --.11.03 Red Bull Music Academy, @ Cape Town, South Africa
Beitrag 24 Jun 2003, 12:34
Beitrag #1


Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 3.083
Mitglied seit: 17-March 03
Wohnort: St. Pölten
Mitglieds-Nr.: 1.445


So what you have heard is true... this year's edition of the Red Bull Music Academy will be staged in Cape Town, South Africa.

Workshop 1: 02. bis 14. November 2003
Workshop 2: 23. November bis 05. December 2003

All application packages, including your music, photos and the completed application form must be sent in by July 25th.

Application from 2003:
Here we are now. Infotain us!

Take a seat and let loose everything that’s bothered you all day. Grab a pen and answer all the questions.
Be true to yourself and you’ll be true to us. While you’re at it, tell us a little bit about what it is that moves you.
It may take a while, but ask anyone who’s been there – it’s worth it.
If it is a mix that you intend to grace us with, take your time to put it together. It should be at least 30 minutes long,
but no bonus will be granted for extra-lengthy sets - for all you Väths and Levans out there!
If you prefer to showcase your production skills, songwriting ideas or arrangement abilities, select for us the tracks that you feel represent you in particular - no need to send your entire back-catalogue. Cassette, CD or MD: whatever format suits you will be fine with us.
Please remember that two passport size photos of yourself, both clearly marked with your name and country, must also be sent along with your application.

Send the whole application package (questionnaire, sounds and photos) to:

Red Bull Music Academy
Applications Cape Town 2003
Isartalstrasse 44
80469 Munich

And please put your country of origin on the back of the envelope!

All applications must be sent in before July 25, 2003.

Please remember to keep a copy of your mix or tracks as we cannot return them.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide personal feedback.
You will be notified by phone/email in the last week of August if you are accepted as a candidate.
If not, you will be notified by email.
Please, double check that all your details on the front page are correct and written clearly.
If your uncle can read them, chances are we can too…

Thank you.

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The Blobb
Beitrag 30 Jun 2003, 18:03
Beitrag #2


Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 930
Mitglied seit: 28-December 02
Wohnort: Hallein (nähe Salzburg)
Mitglieds-Nr.: 629

>ich will dahin !!
>nur wie komm ich nach > süd afrikaaa ?

Per Flugzeug?
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