Johannes Heil über Wien |
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Johannes Heil über Wien |
22 Jan 2011, 18:12
Member Gruppe: Members Beiträge: 106 Mitglied seit: 3-December 09 Mitglieds-Nr.: 16.786 |
Zitate von Johannes Heils Facebookseite:
ZITAT was gibts so in wien? ne menge aggressive energie, arroganz und emotionale armut! ...das tut mir leid für euch.... ZITAT wir waren in wien! der rest passiert da ganz von alleine, so viele überhebliche egoisten hab ich noch nie auf einem haufen gesehen, mir tun echt alle leid die nicht so sind und das dort tag für tag erleben müssen. ...dieses reserviert coole möchtegern besser sein gehabe ist so lächerlich und liegt überall in der luft, glücklicherweise waren nicht alle so die uns begegnet sind, sonst gäbe es jeden grund zu zweifeln..... ich lache gerne und bin freundlich und kann diese dummcoole völlig verblendete art kaum ertragen, jeder redet über geld, luxus und glaubt an werte die mir nicht den dreck unter meinem fingernagel bedeuten, als wären alle kollektiv nur am koksen und scheißdreck reden. ZITAT es geht mir bei dem was ich geschrieben habe aber in erster linie um die gesamte athmosphäre....
23 Jan 2011, 22:45
Hardcoreposter Gruppe: Members Beiträge: 714 Mitglied seit: 3-December 03 Wohnort: vienna Mitglieds-Nr.: 2.752 |
man oh man... you guys have a fucking problem (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) and , who fucking cares wot Johannes Heil says about Vienna...wake up , hallo!!! The guy is crap,his best years are behind him "for me personally" and basically who gives a shit "for me personally" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) This generalising about how shit "Vienna" is from one club evening pisses me off...I could also say the same about a lot of Cities after some crap gigs but why bother...Shit happens,shit evening,shit gig bam oida..the whole City is dissed...does not compute!!!
bzg Cassy,maybe cos she is a crap DJ and a boring producer/singer??? I mean really, I don,t get the hype surrounding this personality at all and having heard her Prod: bzw Her DJing sorry but my Grandmother can do it better and she`s dead.!!! I apologise for the offensive art and critic but really...again , who fucking cares.. bzg Carl Craig detto...... The guy has for me ruined everything he ever fucking did the minute he went all european...arrogant,rich and spoilt and I,m pretty sure he gives a fucking shit on us also (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) cos he ain,t doing it for the music ...goodbye Jam the Fucking Box (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) bzg Ricardo : Well , I know a story ...but I keep dat one 2 myself.. great DJ and actually affordable if u get the right connects,shouldnt be such a problem to get the guy DJing here, just finding the right enviroment where ha can let himself go is the challenge... bzg Strache : wot the hell does he think he`s doing??? While we are all here discussing the problem s of Herr Heil,Cassy , Villalobos and Craig this C**T starts going to bed with Morales and giving his grand old party speech in the HC Rave this ladies and gentlemen should be the thing to busy our heads with...was hat er vor?warum rave? warum jetzt...wollen wir das wirklich ? the rest is just psyeudo-scene rubbish and should be regarded as such...again , who fooking cares ... Just, stay Alert we need lerts (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
24 Jan 2011, 00:36
Member Gruppe: Members Beiträge: 245 Mitglied seit: 6-February 06 Wohnort: Vienna Mitglieds-Nr.: 7.925 |
man oh man... you guys have a fucking problem (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) and , who fucking cares wot Johannes Heil says about Vienna...wake up , hallo!!! The guy is crap,his best years are behind him "for me personally" and basically who gives a shit "for me personally" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) This generalising about how shit "Vienna" is from one club evening pisses me off...I could also say the same about a lot of Cities after some crap gigs but why bother...Shit happens,shit evening,shit gig bam oida..the whole City is dissed...does not compute!!! bzg Cassy,maybe cos she is a crap DJ and a boring producer/singer??? I mean really, I don,t get the hype surrounding this personality at all and having heard her Prod: bzw Her DJing sorry but my Grandmother can do it better and she`s dead.!!! I apologise for the offensive art and critic but really...again , who fucking cares.. bzg Carl Craig detto...... The guy has for me ruined everything he ever fucking did the minute he went all european...arrogant,rich and spoilt and I,m pretty sure he gives a fucking shit on us also (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) cos he ain,t doing it for the music ...goodbye Jam the Fucking Box (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) bzg Ricardo : Well , I know a story ...but I keep dat one 2 myself.. great DJ and actually affordable if u get the right connects,shouldnt be such a problem to get the guy DJing here, just finding the right enviroment where ha can let himself go is the challenge... bzg Strache : wot the hell does he think he`s doing??? While we are all here discussing the problem s of Herr Heil,Cassy , Villalobos and Craig this C**T starts going to bed with Morales and giving his grand old party speech in the HC Rave this ladies and gentlemen should be the thing to busy our heads with...was hat er vor?warum rave? warum jetzt...wollen wir das wirklich ? the rest is just psyeudo-scene rubbish and should be regarded as such...again , who fooking cares ... Just, stay Alert we need lerts (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) alles geht dir am arsch vorbei, aber überall deinen senf dazu geben!? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) natürlich geht es mich etwas an wenn jemand schlecht über wien redet, schliesslich lebe ich hier! bezüglich strache: same same! hab soeben die bilder gesehen...pfui!!! |
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