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> an alle filmfreaks, divx5-ac3
Beitrag 15 May 2003, 15:14
Beitrag #1


Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 203
Mitglied seit: 3-May 03
Wohnort: Tirol - Ibk
Mitglieds-Nr.: 1.647

so steh wieder mal am ende meiner weisheiten...

so als erklärung der film beinhaltet 2 sprachen deutsch englisch.
ich hab probiert den film mit dem divx player anzusehn da schreibt er mir ne meldung

the file contains unknown audio data... dann kann ich auswählen: stop playback oder play video only... (bei play video only spielt er mir den film ohne ton) was kann bzw. muss ich beachten bzw. machen damit ich den film mit ton höre...

filename Good.Fellas-ger+eng-1of2-DivX5-AC3--DVDrip.avi (keina ahnung für was ac3 steht)

lg devilrocker
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dj AcidGreen/Aci...
Beitrag 16 May 2003, 12:04
Beitrag #2

da best hardware moderator ever:-)

Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 5.479
Mitglied seit: 19-April 02
Wohnort: vienna rulez !
Mitglieds-Nr.: 120

1. Introduction

AC-3 is a high quality audio codec designed to encode multiple channels
of audio into a low bit-rate format. AC-3 achieves its large
compression ratios via encoding a multiplicity of channels as a single
entity. Dolby digital, which is a branded version of AC-3 encodes up
to 5.1 channels of audio.

AC-3 has been adopted as an audio compression scheme for many consumer
and professional applications. AC-3 is the mandatory codec for DVD-
video, ATSC digital terrestrial television, laser disc, and DVD-audio
(as an optional multichannel audio format). AC-3 is also a common
audio format for film.

Presently there exists a tremendous amount of content encoded in AC-3.
The majority of AC-3 content is comprised of more then two channels.
It is highly likely that people may wish to stream AC-3 data over
computer networks. Applications for streaming AC-3 range from video on
demand to multichannel Internet radio. RTP provides a mechanism for
stream synchronization and hence serves as the best transport solution
for AC-3, which is a codec primarily used in audio for video
applications. The RTP payload described in this document also provides
a method of ensuring a continuous high quality AC-3 stream.

1.1 Overview of AC-3

AC-3 can deliver upwards of 5.1 channels of audio at data rates
approximately equal to half of one PCM channel [2], [3], [4]. The ".1"
refers to a band limited optional low-frequency enhancement channel.
AC-3 was designed for signals sampled at rates of 32, 44.1, or 48 kHz.
Data rates can vary between 64 kbps and 640 kpbs depending the number
of channels and desired quality.

AC-3 exploits psychoacoustic phenomenon that reveal large amounts of
inaudible information contained in a typical audio signal. Substantial
data reduction occurs via the removal of all inaudible information
contained in an audio stream. Source coding techniques are further
used to reduce the data used to code an audio signal.

Like most perceptual coders, AC-3 operates in the frequency domain. A
512-point TDAC transform is take with 50% overlap, providing 256 new
frequency samples. Frequency samples are then converted to exponents
and mantissas. Exponents are differentially encoded. Mantissas are
allocated a varying number of bits depending on the audibility of the
spectral component associated with it. Audibility is determined via a
masking curve. Bits for mantissas are allocated from a global bit
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