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> GAZA Konflikt: was uns die medien nicht zeigen...
Beitrag 6 Jan 2009, 18:14
Beitrag #41


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hi jungs hab das video auf folgender seite entdeckt...

eine massaker der israelis... ist starker tobak.. aber sollte so weit wie möglich verbreitet werden, meiner meinung nach...
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dj AcidGreen/Aci...
Beitrag 12 Jan 2009, 20:53
Beitrag #42

da best hardware moderator ever:-)

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Bush backs Israel, Gaza death toll tops 900
12 Jan 2009 19:41:21 GMT
Source: Reuters
* Bush says up to Hamas to end war, Israel defending itself

* Olmert: "If it takes time, it takes time"

* Palestinian death toll rises to 908, many civilians

* U.S. ally Saudi accuses Israel of "racist extermination"

By Nidal al-Mughrabi

GAZA, Jan 12 (Reuters) - Israel won renewed support from its key ally the United States on Monday when President George W. Bush said a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip depended on Hamas ending its rocket fire on Israeli towns.

As the Palestinian death toll passed 900, including many civilians, troops tightened their grip around urban areas in search of elusive guerrillas and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Israel would pursue the 17-day-old war as long as it took.

Troops and tanks, backed by warplanes and helicopters that mounted more than 25 air strikes, probed into guerrilla defences around the city of Gaza, wary of snipers and booby traps. Hamas fighters kept largely out of sight, firing several rockets into Israel and bracing for an all-out assault that may yet come.

As international diplomats worked with Egypt on a truce plan, an Israeli military spokesman said the army had yet to launch a much-heralded "Phase 3" of the war, following the initial air campaign and then ground advance.

But reserve units had moved in, he said, to hold positions and free up regulars for thrusts deeper into the city of Gaza.

Hamas's government leader in Gaza made a rare television and radio broadcast from a secret location, promising that "victory is at hand" and saying the many deaths there would haunt Bush.

The bloodshed has burst open fragile faultlines in the map of Middle East diplomacy, with the Bush administration in its final week standing firm behind Israel, European governments pressing it to call off its attacks and Arab leaders speaking out against the Jewish state.

On Monday, Saudi Arabia, an oil power and one of several Arab governments whose pro-American stance is far from popular with its people, accused Israel of "racist extermination" and said it hoped Bush's successor Barack Obama would work swiftly to resolve the 60-year-old Palestinian issue.


Bush said Hamas Islamists, who won a 2006 parliamentary election and seized control of Gaza 18 months ago, had to act to end the misery of the enclave's 1.5 million people.

"I'm for a sustainable ceasefire, and a definition of sustainable ceasefire is Hamas stops firing rockets into Israel ... I happen to believe the choice is Hamas's to make," he said.

Supporting Israel's view that "Operation Cast Lead" is one of self-defence against rockets that had killed 18 people since 2001, Bush said Israel should be mindful of "innocent folks".

Figures from Palestinian medics indicate at least 909 people have been killed. The health minister in Gaza's Hamas-run government said close to 400 of those were woman and children.

Medics said Israeli forces killed nine Palestinians, including at least five civilians, in Monday's violence. Israel says seven of its soldiers and three civilians have been killed since it launched its offensive on Dec. 27.

Saudi Arabia's cabinet said in a statement: "The extermination Israel is launching upon the Palestinian people in Gaza has denuded Israeli leaders of humanity and places their policies in the ranks of racist extermination."

It hoped Obama, who takes office on Jan. 20 and who has called the civilian deaths "heartbreaking", would work immediately on a "fair resolution of the Palestinian question".

Obama has made no clear policy statement on the fighting.


International Middle East envoy Tony Blair said after talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt on Monday that "the elements of an agreement of the immediate ceasefire are there and are now being worked on very hard in great detail".

Egypt, another Arab government close to Washington but with a strong Islamist opposition, is trying to broker a ceasefire to halt the fighting on its northern border. A senior Western diplomat and a Hamas official called Monday's talks positive.

Israeli leaders, who are also fighting for re-election on Feb. 10, have given few clues on how long they are prepared to continue the offensive, although some officials have cited the inauguration of Obama, a U.N. ceasefire resolution and the election as factors pushing them toward calling off the troops.

Political sources said Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, head of the ruling Kadima party, and Defence Minister Ehud Barak, head of centre-left Labour, wanted to halt the operation as soon as possible. But, the sources said, Olmert, who resigned as Kadima chief in September over a corruption probe, disagreed.

Israel, backed by its Western allies, says any ceasefire must depend on Hamas halting rocket fire -- 16 landed in Israel on Monday, the army said -- and, crucially, also wants measures to stop Hamas from rearming via the tunnels under the Egypt-Gaza border, in an area known as the Philadelphi corridor.

"We want Hamas to understand there will be no possibility of smuggling arms into Gaza, because any such attempt will be met by the iron fist of the Israeli people," Olmert said. "Nothing more, nothing less. If it takes time, it takes time."

Hamas negotiators returned to Cairo late on Monday after consulting the leadership in exile in Damascus. Hamas's leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, said on television that it was ready to negotiate a truce but insisted it would do so only if Israel pulled back all its forces and ended a blockade on Gaza.

"After 17 days of this mad war, Gaza will not be broken and Gaza will not collapse," Haniyeh said.

Western and Israeli officials said diplomats were discussing an internationally-assisted technical monitoring system to help Egypt stop weapons smuggling and intercept rocket shipments.

Israeli warplanes have repeatedly bombed the Philadelphi corridor along Gaza's 14-km (nine-mile) border with Egypt, seemingly trying to damage tunnels. Western diplomats have said Israel might also decide to send in ground troops there. (Additional reporting by Adam Entous, Ori Lewis, Alastair Macdonald, Luke Baker, Alistair Lyon, Jeffrey Heller and Joseph Nasr in Jerusalem, Wafa Amr in Ramallah, Dan Williams in Gaza and Alaa Shahine in Cairo; Writing by Alastair Macdonald)

cnn ramattan live stream:
(firefox user brauchen windowsmedia plugin)
da schepperts grad ganz schön. leider ohne sound .. sound funzt bei mir bei dem stream nicht. amerikanischer reporter "joe the plumber" in israel..

Der Beitrag wurde von dj AcidGreen/Acidrecords bearbeitet: 12 Jan 2009, 21:32
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Beiträge in diesem Thema
TEKKNIK   GAZA Konflikt: was uns die medien nicht zeigen...   6 Jan 2009, 18:14
Phatline   es massakrieren beide seiten... thankz fürs video   6 Jan 2009, 18:33
BassSteppa   der link von deiner seite funzt irgendwie net..   6 Jan 2009, 18:33
dj AcidGreen/Acidrecords   ich wollte zu der thematik eigentlich keinen threa...   6 Jan 2009, 18:46
dj AcidGreen/Acidrecords   @ tekknik was in dem video gezeigt wird gibt es l...   6 Jan 2009, 18:56
Loge   was noch fakt ist > es ist absolut schrecklich ...   7 Jan 2009, 12:35
TEKKNIK   ich finde folgende seite eigentlich sehr geil viel...   6 Jan 2009, 19:03
Ludwig II.   ich finde folgende seite eigentlich sehr geil viel...   6 Jan 2009, 19:35
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Themis   es gibt keinen netten krieg, oder einen ohne opfer...   6 Jan 2009, 19:58
TEKKNIK   "Geil" im Sinne von informativ, oder ...   7 Jan 2009, 11:48
dj AcidGreen/Acidrecords   ohne gewähr   6 Jan 2009, 19:07
dj AcidGreen/Acidrecords   mehr news bzgl. hamas tunneln wie im vietnam gang ...   6 Jan 2009, 19:41
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antidote   hm naja, viel weiter kann _man_ jetzt net diskutie...   12 Jan 2009, 13:26
dj AcidGreen/Acidrecords http://...   12 Jan 2009, 13:45
Loge   Hamas indoctrination of Kids: Bombs more precious ...   12 Jan 2009, 16:13
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Andros   RE: GAZA Konflikt: was uns die medien nicht zeigen...   13 Jan 2009, 10:39
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Phatline   na unpockbor! krank!   13 Jan 2009, 20:35
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eigengrau   die pupillen größe irritiert mich ein wenig .........   17 Jan 2009, 00:13
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dj AcidGreen/Acidrecords   18 Jan 2009, 15:10
dj AcidGreen/Acidrecords   holy shit!!!!! wtf!! ...   18 Jan 2009, 17:19
Loge   Meiner Meinung nach ein sehr guter und ausgewogene...   19 Jan 2009, 07:54
Dicebox   Ich glaube, dass es nicht so schnell eine Lösung g...   19 Jan 2009, 08:18

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