Eelke Kleijn at Kindergarten, saugeil! |
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Eelke Kleijn at Kindergarten, saugeil! |
Datum des Ereignisses: 24. 10. 2008 (Einmaliges Ereignis) |
Kindergarten Club with Eelke Kleijn | |
LineUP |
Eelke Kleijn (Global Underground, Outside the Box Music, Baroque) Dean Orello (Kindergarten Club Resident, Renaissance Vienna) Marcus Klay (Kindergarten Club Resident, LOS! Holland) |
Specials/Infos | |
Entry | |
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Location |
Utopia Ruckergasse 30-32 1120 Wien |
Distance | um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben |
Routenplaner | Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner |
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sonstiges |
Biography: The world of music today is closely related to technology, something Eelke discovered at a young age. Therefore it is not strange at all that he got involved in it. "I could have easily ended up with an ICT related job", he adds. Over the years Eelke has built and repaired a fair share of computers and also designed a variety of websites, including his own. At age 14, he got his first job working as a website designer for a music store. It gave him the opportunity to explore the studio equipment they sold in much detail, bringing home every piece of hardware he could get his hands on during the weekends. In 2003 Eelke released his first single "4.5 Billion Years", interestingly named after our planet's currently estimated age, on Segment Records. This very limited 12 inch drew the attention of John Digweed and Seb Fontaine and is still held in high regard up to this day. It opened the door to labels such as Lost Language and Plastik Park. It was not until early 2006 however, that Eelke would indefinitely make an impact on the dance scene. Many months spent in the studio resulted in a series of releases, the most noticeable probably being "8 Bit Era / Import Bride" on Baroque Records which was very well received and got included on Nick Warren's "Global Underground 030: Paris" compilation. "8 Bit Era" also received solid airtime on Dutch National radio. Ever since, many labels have taken notice of the sympathetic Dutchman, resulting in remixes for the likes of Jeff Bennett, Madoka and Snake Sedrick. In early 2007 his remix for Kosmas Epsilon's "Paranoid" was picked up by Hernan Cattaneo for his Renaissance compilation "Sequential 2". It is difficult to describe Eelke's sound in a few words though. "I am easily bored with music, I don't like recycling sounds and ideas all the time", he explains. His almost trancy cooperations with fellow Dutchman C-Jay indeed are very different from the dark and twisted grooves he has produced with Nick Hogendoorn and again different from the ambient and chilled-out songs he has written himself. "As with my DJ sets, I need variety in order to remain interested in what I'm doing. Producing different styles is almost like a way to express the different moods I'm in". The recent signing of '"Walkabout" on Ork Recordings with Nick is a perfect example, receiving critical acclaim from artists as diverse as Fish Go Deep, Nic Fanciulli and Anthony Pappa. Outside the Box Music, Eelke's label launched in 2006 and part of the Groovecollection Music Management, reflects his taste in music like nothing else, with releases varying from techno-edged minimal to funky progressive house. Spring 2007 saw Eelke taking the next leap towards fulfilling his dreams. Months of labour finally paid off when his debut artist album 'Naturally Artificial' was snapped up by Global Underground. It did not take the guys at GU long to see its potential. "Needless to say I am extremely happy about it!", he adds. "Global Underground is one of the labels that have been around since the beginning, you don't get a chance like this every day". So what else is there for Eelke you ask? We almost forgot to mention he is an excellent DJ as well, having played gigs in many European countries as well as Lebanon, Jordan, the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil just to name a few. His monthly 2-hour radio show "Outside the Box", broadcasted on Frisky Radio and Proton Radio, gives him the opportunity to showcase his sound worldwide. "What I love about Outside the Box is that I can do whatever I want", he says. "It is almost like trying to educate people with different sounds, I can play deeper than at an average club night". In 2008 Eelke made his debut performances on larger festivals in the Netherlands as well, including the Renaissance area at Dance Valley, the lakeside at Extrema Outdoor and Scheldepop. He also followed in the footsteps of DJs like Sasha, Satoshi Tomiie and Sander Kleinenberg by playing at Moonpark Buenos Aires together with Hernan Cattaneo. Meanwhile Eelke has continued his work in the studio, a variety of news tracks and remixes are due throughout 2008 and 2009. Success doesn't come overnight, something we all know and this has also been the case with Eelke. Rest assured, though, that this is probably not the last we will hear from Mr. Kleijn. |
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25 Oct 2008, 09:50
the idiots have taken over Gruppe: Members Beiträge: 3.531 Mitglied seit: 29-March 03 Wohnort: v praze Mitglieds-Nr.: 1.488 |
yeah! das war gut!
direkt nach der progressive world radioshow haben tenshi und ich uns ins auto gesetzt und sind richtung meidling gedüst. anfangs war noch nicht wirklich was los, sodass wir die gelegenheit hatten, den host des abends auch mal endlich kennenzulernen, woraus sich ein nettes plauscherl mit dem dean orello ergab - sympathischer junge, bei dem man auch merkt, dass ihm viel an der musik liegt! ebengenannter schwang sich dann auch bald hinter die decks und groovte uns gut und gemütlich in den abend hinein! währenddessen fanden sich auch nach und nach die leute und ein paar alte bekannte ein, sodass einer ausgelassenen feierei nichts mehr im wege stand. zwischenzeitlich kam auch eelke an, der erst um 22 uhr in wien gelandet war - sympathisch und ohne irgendwelche allüren der bursche! als er zu spielen begann war die tanzfläche gut bis sehr gut gefüllt, die stimmung steuerte ihrem ersten höhepunkt zu. eelke dürfte hierzulande anscheinend kein unbekannter sein, zumindest waren die zustände teilweise sehr popstar-like mit fotos machen, ununterbrochenen handshakes usw... so gings dann dahin, über die maße viel haben wir leider nicht getanzt, weil wir ziemlich fertig waren (sind), jedoch haben wirs definitiv genossen! um 4 war er dann fertig, sodass wir dann ziemlich bald verschwanden, sonst wär ich glaub ich direkt dort zusammengeklappt (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sleeping.gif) bezüglich club war ich äußerst positiv überrascht, das soundsystem war kein vergleich, 10000 mal besser als im früheren v-club, lediglich die lüftung war eine frechheit, meine augen und meine kehle haben um 4 dann schon gebrannt wie sau (IMG:style_emoticons/default/devil.gif) so, ich hoff ich hab nix vergessen, wenn doch verzeihe man das mir bitte, die letzten beiden tage fordern langsam aber doch ihren tribut ein (IMG:style_emoticons/default/closedeyes.gif) |
25 Oct 2008, 17:14
Member Gruppe: Members Beiträge: 124 Mitglied seit: 17-April 06 Wohnort: Wien Mitglieds-Nr.: 8.466 |
mir hats auch sehr gut gefallen! das set vom eelke war wirklich bombe!
ich glaub da wird noch einiges kommen von dem jungen herrn die anscheinend nicht vorhandene lüftung hat mir auch sehr zugesetzt...bin mit einem ziemlich kratzigen hals aufgewacht (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) ansonsten wurde alles schon gesagt (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Der Beitrag wurde von Fischmaster3000 bearbeitet: 25 Oct 2008, 17:14 |
Vereinfachte Darstellung | Aktuelles Datum: 25. November 2024 - 22:37 |
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