Czechtek 2005, free party in CZ / Polizeigewalt |
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Czechtek 2005, free party in CZ / Polizeigewalt |
31 Jul 2005, 12:06
Full Member Gruppe: Members Beiträge: 368 Mitglied seit: 31-October 02 Wohnort: graz Mitglieds-Nr.: 465 |
Mlýnec - Gegen Samstag um 16.30 Uhr hatte die Polizei nach einem verstrichenen Ultimatum zum Verlassen der Technoparty mit einem Kordon aus Hunderten Einsatzkräften in Kampfmontur mit der gewaltsamen Räumung des Veranstaltungsgeländes im westböhmischen Mlýnec na Tachovsku begonnen. Dabei setzte sie massiv Tränengas und Wasserwerfer gegen die Technofans ein. Während des Einsatzes wurde die vorrückenden Polizei von Veranstaltungsteilnehmern mit umherliegenden Gegenständen wie Plastikflaschen beworfen, dabei erschallte der Ruf „Gestapo! Gestapo!“. Die Situation in Mlýnec entglitt der Polizei zwischenzeitlich ihrer Kontrolle und es herrschte allgemeines Chaos. Erst am frühen Abend beruhigte sich die Situation allmählich. Die große Mehrheit der Technofans hat das Partygelände inzwischen verlassen. Nach Agenturmeldungen sollen während des Einsatzes der Polizei einige Dutzend Personen von der Polizei festgenommen sowie verletzt worden sein. Nähere Angaben lagen dazu zunächst nicht vor. Wegen des Einsatzes gegen CzechTek wurde die Autobahn D5 Richtung Rozvadov zwischen dem 128. und 135. Kilometerstein geschlossen. Die Veranstalter riefen auf ihrer Internetseite für 19 Uhr zu einer Protestdemonstration gegen das Vorgehen der Polizei vor dem Innenministerium in Prag auf. Hintergrund des gewaltsamen Vorgehens der Polizei waren Proteste und Strafanzeigen wegen Sachbeschädigung der Anrainer des Veranstaltungsgeländes. Die Veranstalter verwiesen dagegen darauf, mit dem privaten Eigentümer der Wiese bei Mlýnec einen Mietvertrag für die Nutzung und Durchführung der Technoparty CzechTek 2005 geschlossen zu haben. Aktuelle Informationen zum Polizeieinsatz gegen Festival: - CzechTek 2005 - offizielle Website der Party - - CzechTek blog - - - Tschechischsprachiger Dancemusic Infoserver - - Tschechischsprachige Online-Reportage der Tageszeitung MfDnes zum CzechTek in Mlýnec - quelle: Der Beitrag wurde von soundfreak bearbeitet: 2 Aug 2005, 06:27 |
1 Aug 2005, 13:24
Head of Houztekk Gruppe: Members Beiträge: 299 Mitglied seit: 23-September 03 Mitglieds-Nr.: 2.390 |
der folgende bericht ist zwar in englisch aber sehr leicht zu verstehen
ich glaube das müsste die meisten fragen beantworten : Indymedia : PoliceState POLICE BRUTALITY CAUSED DEATH ON MUSIC FESTIVAL CZECHTEK 01. 08. 2005 03:30 Czechtek is open-air international and multicultural music festival with 12 year tradition. Not only different genres of music, but also videoart and other art performances take place on this unique event of free culture. In all history of festival there were no significant damages or problems, participants while leaving clean the land and take responsibility for their action. Contract with the owner of grass plain was clearly shown to police. There is no indicaion that festival was in any way illegal, every aspect was according to law of Czech Republic. Although police stated throughout friday 29th several different reasons for blockage of access to the place of festival, all were later shown as lies or desinformation. The final reason for brute attack was "threat of damaging the surrounding private pieces of land". The presence of attending young people on surrounding land was caused by police blockage of all roads and the police action was not taken against this people, but against the people on legally borrowed property. Woman from near willage, owner of adjoining land, said she had been woken up by police friday morning, long before people began to arrive, taken to police station and by false arguments encouraged to sign complaint. Most of the people did not hear any appeal to leave the place, many of them had drunk alcohol-containing beverages and could not go away with cars, many of them believed that by taking part on legally organized festival they cannot be targeted by police. The first police action on saturday 30, 16:30PM took several hours and was badly coordinated. On the place was 1000 policemen, water cannon, armoured tank and low-flying helicopter. The second night attack at 22PM was led with extreme brutality. Police in heavy suits without identifying numbers refused to give identifying information, information about their command and information about first aid location. Police used massive amounts of tear gas and desorientation grenades, in many cases they threw tear gas granade into a car and did not let people inside for long time get out, in other cases they broke car windows by iron bars, threw grenade in and forced people to get out. All people were beaten up, including teenage girls, which cried in pain. Witnesses described attack on lone staing girl, who was pulled down by her hair and kicked on the ground by four policemen. There were hundreds of injuries, including cuts, bruises, burnings, broken arms, shock. Many people were in shock still the next day afternoon with red faces from tear gas. Police intentionally damaged cars, electronic equipment and other property. Attack was led with clear intention to cause injuries. People were forced to go to near highway, which was closed several hours and then the waiting trucks were allowed to go dangerously among the desoriented people. Police confirmed death of young man attending the festival. Reportedly he was killed by truck which left. The reason of this death can be manipulated by police, no wittnesses were found to confirm police statement. Police brutality continued on scattered people till the sunday morning. Czech state television Czech TV did not inform about the night attack, it's news were not balanced, mainly repeating police statements. Czech TV in its news also under estimated political value of call of freedom and resignation of minister of interior on sunday's demonstration in Prague, reporting briefly about techno-goers. This is a call to foreing media to publish information about unlawful police brutality and state of democracy and human rights in Czech Republic |
Vereinfachte Darstellung | Aktuelles Datum: 25. November 2024 - 12:28 |
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