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technoboard.at _ > producing Hardware _ KURZWEIL MidiController/Keyboard

Geschrieben von: derrick s. 6 Feb 2008, 14:36

Auch Kurzweil ist auf den Zug aufgesprungen:

Keyboard: Next generation, 88-note, fully-weighted hammer-action, with velocity and aftertouch sensitive keys, featuring a quick release spring, striking an ideal balance of playability between piano type parts and synth/organ parts. Display: 240 x 64 angled, backlit LCD w/ dedicated back panel brightness and contrast controls. Polyphony: 128 Voice Polyphony, dynamically allocated, lightning fast performance. Multitimbral: 16 parts (one per MIDI channel) Architecture: Dynamic VAST: Powerful new synthesis engine, with user programmable DSP algs and routing. More DSP power than even our K Series instruments. ** VA1 Inside: anti-aliasing, power-shaped oscillators and DSP processing from Kurzweil's VA1 prototype synth, capable of delivering authentic analog emulations as well as incredibly complex new sounds. (** VA-1 Synthesis Engine - included FREE for a limited time! A $599.00 value - offer extended to Feb 15th 2008.)

Cascade Mode: lets the user route one layer through the DSP of any other layer within a program - up to 32 consecutive layers deep!

Desktop Editor:
Mac and PC platforms Factory Presets: Over 850 Stunning New Factory Presets, many of which use 10-20 layers, featuring samples from the PC2 Base Sound ROM, the Orchestral, Classic Keys, General MIDI set, PLUS new String Section ROM Bank. Also, 64 new KB3 programs. Factory MIDI Setups: 96 factory programmed MIDI setups. 128 user programmable MIDI setups, each with 16 independent zones, effects and arpeggiator settings. General MIDI: Standard User Memory: 1024 locations for user created preset programs. 128 locations for user created MIDI Setups. Sound ROM
Expansion Slots:
2 Sequencer: Unlimited tracks; 1536 PPQ resolution; features pattern "Clips" that can be created within a track, and then easily stretched, compressed, copied, repeated and transposed. Song editing functions include step editing, swing, controller scaling and more. Controller chasing and a global "set song length" functions are also featured. Effects: 16 insert effects distributed over 12 busses, plus two auxiliary sends; featuring over 300 of our award winning effects - reverbs, delays, chorus, flange, phaser, EQs, distortions, Leslie simulators, compressors, and more. Global EQ: User controllable master EQ section and master compressor for quick adjustments during live performance. (These do not use up the insert effect resources.) Controllers: Pitch wheel, modulation wheel, 9 front panel sliders/drawbar controllers, 2 front panel switches (momentary or toggle, software selectable), 3 switch pedal input, 2 continuous control pedal inputs, mono pressure, Super Ribbon input, breath controller input. Controller values can be "captured" and stored as part of a program. Arpeggiator: 16 full-featured independent arpeggiators with multiple latch modes, selectable play order, velocity, duration, tempo, and sync functions as well as pre-recorded beats and musical phrases. Analog Outputs: Four 1/4" balanced TRS analog (24-bit DACs). Headphones: 1 rear panel 1/4" headphone output. Digital Outputs: 24-bit, stereo S/PDIF featuring both 48kHz and 96kHz modes. MIDI: In, Out, Thru (hardware switchable to copy of MIDI Out). USB: MIDI over USB. Also allows the PC3X to load and save data directly to and from a computer as well as perform OS updates. Flash Memory Port: xD card type. Store and load programs, OS updates, and sequences. FREE OS Updates: Flash ROM upgradeable via USB or flash memory card.

Preislich allerdings sehr hoch angesiedelt: 2.299,00 EUR

more info: http://www.kurzweilmusicsystems.com/

Geschrieben von: dj AcidGreen/Acidrecords 6 Feb 2008, 16:48

kein vergleich mit dem yamaha...

zwar nix für mich aber das schaut um einiges besser aus

Geschrieben von: saftpackerl 6 Feb 2008, 18:13

auf welchen "zug" is kurzweil denn da "auch" aufgesprungen, derrick?

workstations bauen???

das machens doch eh schon sehr lange...

und so wie das ausschaut echt sehr gut!!! smile.gif

Geschrieben von: derrick s. 6 Feb 2008, 23:00

apreggiator im midicontroller zug

Geschrieben von: dj AcidGreen/Acidrecords 7 Feb 2008, 00:40

is halt dann die frage wie sinvoll das fürs producen ist > denn arp plugin + normales midi keyboard funzt ja genauso und die arps schalt ich dann halt per 2 taster am midi keyboard rauf und runter..

http://www.tobybear.de/p_midibag.html > Arpimedes

Geschrieben von: saftpackerl 12 Feb 2008, 19:22

aha oke. aber als reinen "midicontroller" würd ich das ding docvh nicht bezeichnen ?

interessanter find ich, dass der kurzweil VA-1 (http://www.sequencer.de/syns/kurzweil/VA1.html) prototyp schließlich nach ein paar jährchen doch noch ein zuhause gefunden hat!

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