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technoboard.at _ > producing Software _ Amazona/UHE Tyrell Synth

Geschrieben von: Derrick S 10 Dec 2010, 10:38

na da bin ich mal gespannt, aussehen tuts sehr gut


our project TYRELL will become reality. :-) ))
First as a Software Synthesizer, programmed by U-He (from the inventors of ZEBRA 2) and hopefully later as an analog hardware device.

Urs Heckman (see picture) is working on a Synth-project called DIVA. One part of the project is developing a module which is based on the ROLAND Juno 60. Exactly this synth was also the base for the AMAZONA.de Reader-Survey. Now, Urs will bring both ideas together and will create TYRELL – N6 as the first TYRELL Clone.

Since the last letter we have been contacted by three companies from Europe and China. Each of these companies has expressed interest to realize TYRELL.

PS: BTW – the Software Version of U-He will be free of charge for amazona.de readers. We expected a beta-version before Christmas this year!!

Here are the Googlish specs for the original Tyrell synthesizer hardware synth design:

* 2 oscillators
* Synchronisation of the oscillators, FM and ring modulation as well as pulse width modulation are intended.
* The waveform-shaping are flowing and rich of sine (for FM and ring modulation interesting) up to two special „intoxication “- forms, in order to be able to make on oscillator basis also Sync or FM with them and generally extend by the sound pallet. The waveform-shaping can be adjusted so also in their symmetry and modulated (pulse width modulation).
* Ring modulator with different points of pick-up. It hardly dares a manufacturer to feed the ring modulator differently than with the two oscillator signals. Here there is a choice to include the filter with.
* Modulation bus for filters and oscillator separately
* Special mixture range, which finally causes additionally saturation, in extreme attitudes distortion and feedback, therefore please never push the automatic controllers immediately completely upward.
* Multi-mode filter with the characteristic for the determination of the range of the bandpass filter, as well as special saturation and sound characteristics of different typical structure forms of filters (construction unit-oriented)
* Arpeggiator
* Retriggerbare and jagged ADSR envelopes through „LFOs “(here modulation oscillators called, since we do not attach importance on „slowly “.
* Modulation Sequencer can steer arbitrary parameters
* Two modulation oscillators beginning with MIDI Clock option and Shaping, as well as switchable different random variants, with the classical „SAM-polarize & Hold “and Fade in or Fade out alternatively and hue control

quelle: http://createdigitalmusic.com/

Geschrieben von: pol/tox 10 Dec 2010, 11:18

super Aktion, geht ja überraschend schnell was weiter!

Mit Urs Heckmann hat sich auch ein ziemlich interessanter Realisierer angeboten, Zebra ist Nach wie Vor mein Lieblingssynth und die Uhbik Reihe ebenso ein feiner Spaß!

Bin gespannt ob das Teil tatsächlich mal als Hardware rauskommt

Geschrieben von: dj AcidGreen/Acidrecords 11 Dec 2010, 07:49

echt nice das des urs teil 4 free sein wird und ja hardwarevariante wäre fett!

Geschrieben von: Derrick S 9 Apr 2011, 07:33


Der TYRELL N6 ist nicht IRGENDEIN weiteres Synthesizer Plug-in, sondern ein Klangerzeuger, der gemeinsam mit den Lesern entwickelt und letztendlich durch Urs Heckmann (Mastermind von U-HE) programmiert wurde.

Aber das Beste:

TYRELL N6 ist für AMAZONA.de-Leser kostenlos und nun in einer finalen Version SOFORT als Download verfügbar:


Geschrieben von: yak 9 Apr 2011, 11:06

nettes teil für a freeware!

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