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technoboard.at _ > producing Software _ [VST Synth] Sylenth

Geschrieben von: derrick s. 11 Feb 2007, 12:08

Ein echtes "Analogmonster" und Alleskönner music.gif

auch fette drums kann man dem teil entlocken

gibt ja mittlerweile schon zich retro synths, aber das teil hier sticht durch wirklich sehr guten klan raus, seien es flächen, synths, fx, drums oder fette moog bässe



    * 4 Ultrahigh-quality bandlimited unison oscillators in full stereo, each of which can generate 8 voices per note.
    * 2 State of the art analog-sounding 4-stage stereo filters per note. Selectable lowpass, bandpass and highpass modes with 12dB or 24dB attenuation. A filter drive knob controls the analog emulation of overdrive in each filter stage.
    * 16 Notes of polyphony, which adds up to a total of 512 oscillator simultaneous voices and 32 filters in realtime.
    * 4 ADSR envelope generators per note.
    * 2 Low Frequency Oscillators with 11 different waveforms.
    * 16 Modulation slots with 24 different selectable modulation parameters each.
    * Easy to use built-in master effects section consisting of 6 professional-quality sound effects: distortion, equalizer, phaser, delay, reverb and compression.
    * Five different types of distortion (overdrive, foldback, clip, decimate, bitcrush) in full stereo, with 4x oversampling to minimize aliasing artifacts.
    * Equalizer with bass and treble adjustment by frequency and amplification.
    * 6-Stage stereo phaser, with 2x oversampling, an embedded LFO, feedback and frequency spread adjustment.
    * Delay module with low- and high-pass filters, unique echo smearing function, pingpong mode with stereo spreading, independent left and right delay time and adjustable stereo width.
    * Smooth reverb with adjustable pre-delay, damp, size and stereo width.
    * Stereo compressor with attack, release, threshold and ratio settings, which can be used to increase punch, drive, warmth and analog feel of your sounds.
    * Heavily optimized code using high-performance SSE processor instructions.
    * Easy to use user-interface.
    * Fully controllable by MIDI. Knobs can be simply assigned to MIDI CCs using the MIDI learn function.
    * Sync button for syncing LFO and delay parameters to host tempo.
    * 2 Modes of portamento sliding, which will slide both velocity and pitch parameters in polyphonic or monophonic mode.

Demo + mehr infos gibts http://www.lennardigital.com/modules/downloads/

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