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technoboard.at _ Web-Links & Internet _ Autorun Creator v1.30 released!

Geschrieben von: freeicons 10 May 2006, 08:31

Autorun Creator offers the fast and efficient way to build autorun programs. You can build your own CD/DVD autorun programs within few minutes.




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Geschrieben von: DJ George le Nagelaux 10 May 2006, 08:50

Yeah! I always wanted a program like this one! No more damned autorun script programing... it will totally enhance my life, thx. a lot freeicons!

Geschrieben von: Delegoano 10 May 2006, 09:03

now i can finally make all the ass-porn-cd´s i use to give my friends as birthday-presents autostarting. so even the dumbest of em can finally get his portion of sexiual distortion

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