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Verlosung: [Karmarouge 27] 3 x Stream of consciousness Vinyl von Ananda 26.7.2007

"Hello summer, very beautiful that you are there!" one would like to shout out loud in a thrill of pleasure by listening to Gabriel Anandas new release on Karmarouge Records. Gabriel Ananda presents us with 'Stream of consciousness' and 'Shake ready' two euphoric grooving tracks that are characterized by compact and at the same moment delicious balanced rhythms wich spread themselves onto your body straightforwardly and wich work on the dancefloor with an astounding ease. Two tracks that keep you away from holding your feet still, a record that simply makes fun!

The a-side track 'Stream of consciousness' comes along in a sunny spellbound robe. Wishful sounding melodies boxed in disarming clarity and elegance round a grooving bassline and oppressive beat. It's a track that is composed of various long rhythmic elements wich easily manage to engage with each other and reveal its well-balanced character. For Gabriel Ananda 'Stream of consciousness' means thinking in music and refers to the semi-constant internal monologue that he has with himself at a conscious or or semi-conscious level. It's a statement about his present state of mind.

On the B-side track 'Shake ready' Gabriel Ananda casually links with pleasure and sanguinity to the acoustic African-based drum and percussion sounds of his present album 'Bambusbeats'. No dark and moody elements at work here – 'Shake ready' is full of positivity, an upbeat and energetic number that keeps moving along effortlessly. Try as you might, you won’t be able to resist dancing to it.

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- Vereinfachte Darstellung Aktuelles Datum: 11. March 2025 - 07:07

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